Welcome to Hennessey

Agenda Regular Meeting July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

Town of Hennessey Board of Trustees – Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 9, 2024 Town Hall – 123 S. Main – Council Room – 6:00 PM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Report from Town of Hennessey Ad Hoc Agencies
  3. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
    All items with asterisks (*) are considered to be routine by the Trustees and enacted
    by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless Trustee
    or citizen so requests. In which event the item will be removed from general order of
    business and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda.
    3.1 Approval of June Meeting Minutes
    Board of Trustees – Jun 11 2024 – Minutes – Html
    3.2 Approval of Claims as follows:
  4. _ Purchase Orders $65,674.44
  5. _ RSTF $182549.64
  6. _ Cemetery Care
  7. _ Juvenile Fund
  8. _ Library Fund
  9. _ Street & Alley Fund $58.50
  10. _Previous Month Purchase Orders $10,143.09
    Payables List.pdf
    3.3 Accept the Department Reports
    Office manager and Treasurer Report.pdf
    Police REport.pdf

3.4 Quarterly Financial Report from Crawford and Assoc.
3.5 Approve FY 2024 Budget Amendments # 4, 5 & 6

  1. Citizen Comments
  2. Town Administrator Report
  3. Other Scheduled Business
    Discuss, approve, deny, reject and/or take action on the following:
    6.1 Discussion with possible action to approve quote from S&J
    Heating and Air Conditioning for replacement of 7.5 Ton
    Lennox Rooftop Unit at Town Hall. HS
    6.2 Discussion with possible action to establish a Director of
    Public Works position under the direction of the Town
    Administrator. HS
    6.3 Discussion with possible action to approve the job description
    for the Director of Public Works. HS
    6.4 Discussion with possible action concerning the Town Library
    and building permits being required of the Friends of the
    Library organization. DJ
    6.5 Discussion with possible action concerning the mowing,
    trimming and upkeep of the outside of the Town Library. DJ
    6.6 Discussion with possible action to move the September
    meeting due to the OML Conference. DJ
  4. New Business
    Any matter not known or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to
    the time of posting agenda in accordance with Section 311/9 Title 25 O.S.
  5. Council Persons Report
  6. Adjourn
    Agenda posted at Town Hall on July 5, 2024 at 4:30 P.M.

Town of Hennessey

Hennessey Utility Authority Board of Trustees – Regular Meeting

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Town Hall – 123 S. Main – Council Room – 6:00 PM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
    All items with asterisks (*) are considered to be routine by the Trustees and enacted
    by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless Trustee
    or citizen so requests. In which event the item will be removed from general order of
    business and considered in its normal sequence of the agenda.
    2.1 Minutes of the previous month’s meeting
    Hennessey Utility Authority Board of Trustees – Jun 11 2024 – Minutes
  • Html
    2.2 Approval of Claims as follows:
  1. _ Hennessey Utilities Authority Fund $84,822.56
  2. Previous Month Hennessey Utilities Authority Fund $0.00

2.3 Accept the Department Reports
Report from Bryan Burch.docx
Water Dept Monthly Report.pdf
Motion to approve the consent agenda

  1. Citizen Comments
  2. Other Scheduled Business
  3. New Business
    Any matter not known or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to

the time of posting agenda in accordance with Section 311/9 Title 25 O.S.

  1. Citizen Comments
  2. Council Persons Report
  3. Adjourn
    Agenda posted at Town Hall on July 05, 2024 at 4:30 P.M.

Last modified: July 9, 2024

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